Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oracle Service Bus Interview Questions

Q1. How can you generate File Based Events using Oracle Service Bus? 
Service Bus allows you to create Proxy Services that can poll to ftp and sftp servers . Create a Messaging Type Proxy Service and choose , ftp or sft as the protocol on transport configuration. You can also use File protocol for the same.

Q2. How can you invoke an EJB method from Oracle Service Bus? EJBs can be invoked as Web Services by first registering a Business Service with ejb transport and then getting the WSDL from the Business Service.

Q3. How can you achieve parallel processing in Oracle Service Bus? Oracle Service bus has the Split Join capability. A request can be broken to multiple childs each of which can be processed parallel and the results can be joined and then sent to requester.

Q4. What is difference between a WSDL Proxy Service and Any SOAP Proxy service? Any SOAP proxy service can accept any payload that conforms to SOAP schema.

Q5. Can you interact directly with Database from Service Bus? Yes by using the BEA XQuery method execute-sql

Q6. How can you interact transaction ally with multiple EIS such as JMS EJB and DB in Service Bus? Invoke the Business Services and xqueries(for DB) representing the different EIS in the request pipeline

Q7. For a Proxy Service listening to a JMS Queue how can you ensure that the JMS Message is retried if an error occurs during processing? Use an XA JMS Connection factory in the jms url.

Q8. What purpose do the Stage components serve in Service Bus? They are the containers for actions. A stage is the smallest group to have its error handling

Q9. How can you jump control from one stage to next stage without using if then else logic? Use the Skip action

Q10. How can you end a Proxy flow without using if then else logic ? By using the Reply action

Q11. What dows FLOWR in XQuery terminology stand for ? For,Let,Order By,Where and Return are key words for writing XQuery Expressions. FLOWR stands for these key words .

Q12. How can you find out the tag name of an XML Element excluding the namespace? By using the local-name() Xpath function e.g.

For the Xml node Request xmlns:ns0=”blah blah”>abc local-name function will return ‘Request’

Q13. How do you specify namespace definitions in XQuery File? By using the ‘declare namespace ‘ statement.

Q14. How can you read external xml document in XQuery ? By Using the document() function

Q15. What does the Xquery expression ‘element xyz{“abc”}’ result into? It will result into xml element abc.

Q16. How can you avoid getting xquery transformation errors? By doing data validation before invoking the core xquery functions/constructs.

Q17. How can you concatenate Strings in Xquery ? By using the concat xquery function

Q18. How can you remove multiple newline ,space and tab characters from a string ? By using the normalize-space xquery function

Q19. How will you iterate over the child nodes of an xml node in XQuery? By using the for… expression.

Q20. How will you return a Boolean true value from xquery ? By using the true() function.